
Monday, March 9, 2009

Prevention of Canine Urinary Infection - Tips You Can Use Right Now


Prevention of canine urinary infection is often far easier to do than waiting for the problem to start in the first place. While some breeds are more susceptible to this problem than other breeds, all dogs can benefit when the owner decides to take steps in preventing canine urinary infection problems.

So, what can the average dog owner do? When it comes to urinary infection in dogs, here are some solid, useful tips.

Preventing Canine Urinary Infection:

Diet: Of the tips that will help in preventing canine urinary infection, diet is at the top of the list. Owners should make sure that their dog is getting food of high quality. This applies for both store-bought food and home-made food. Just like humans, dogs need vitamins, minerals, and fiber. The better dog food companies have known this for years, and they have formulated their foods to meet your dog's nutritional needs. However, foods that are high in certain minerals, such as magnesium, should be avoided.

Hydration: The second tip in preventing canine urinary infection issues is to make sure that your dog has plenty of clean, fresh water. Water is vital to your dog's health, and he or she needs to have easy access to fresh water day and night. One note here: If you normally give your dog water from an in ground well, make sure that the mineral content as well as the bacteria content of the well water is within safe limits. Well water can contain both high levels of unsafe minerals and organisms that cause health problems for your pet. If your dog doesn't drink enough, then canned foods might help since they have significantly more water content than dry food. The more water your dog drinks, the more often he or she will urinate. Urination is natures way of flushing bacteria and other potentially harmful compounds, such as minerals from your dog's urinary tract.

Hygiene: It may not seem that dog hygiene would have much to do with the prevention of canine urinary infection but it does. Consider this: if your animal has not been bathed regularly, the chances of bacteria forming around the genital area are high. These same bacteria can easily travel into the dog, and will often cause health problems. Routine bathing will keep your dog free of most dangerous bacteria and he or she will smell better too.

Nutritional Enhancements: Adding nutritional supplements or enhancements to your dog's diet can go a long way in preventing canine urinary infection problems. This is especially true as your animal ages. Of particular interest are the supplements that maintain the proper pH of the urine. Your vet can help guide you toward the right supplement for your animal as each animal may have different needs. There are supplements made specifically for this purpose.

Fruit Juices: Juices made from berries have properties which can help to keep bacteria from clinging to the bladder. If your dog likes the taste, consider adding some cranberry juice to the diet. You can mix it into the dog food or provide some in a water bowl.

Walks: As mentioned, frequent urination can be helpful in the prevention of canine urinary infection. If you take your dog for another walk each day, she will urinate at times to mark territory and possible drink more to quench the thirst triggered by increased exercise. When the bladder files with urine, bacteria in the urine is floating around the bladder. Urination of the contents of the bladder pushes this bacteria out of the body.

Preventing canine urinary infection is easier than most owners believe, but the steps have to be taken in order for it to work. A healthy diet, plenty of fresh water, routine grooming, and the proper supplements will all go a long way in preventing canine urinary infection.

Jeff Grill is an editor of the Dog Health Handbook and has written on many canine health problems. See this site for more information on natural canine infection prevention options.

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